William has a vivid imagination. With a piece of chalk, the number 8 becomes a snowman, and a plus sign turns into a snowflake! When he sees two fearsome teeth on display in the home of the village’s founder, the boy quickly concludes that they must belong to the lake monster everyone in town has been talking about. While reading Ralph Merry IV and Mr. Merry V’s diaries, he and his best friend Elizabeth learn more about whaling, the legend of the Memphremagog monster, and adventure on the other side of the world!
The elements of this story, adapted to the primary school’s “univers social” program, put forward the friendship between William and his friend Elizabeth. It introduces young readers to reading by an oil lamp, heating with wood, Lucifer matches, embroidery, writing with a fountain pen and with chalk on individual slates at school, as well as key elements of the industrialization of small cities all over Quebec at the time.

Anne Brigitte Renaud, author      Sans Cravate, illustrator